Wheel Of Fortune Tickets
A lot of people would kill to get a shot at being on Wheel of Fortune; you answer a few questions right and suddenly you're walking away with several thousand dollars. Well, it turns out it might. Plus, you get four tickets to a show. To request the Wheel of Fortune donation for your benefit auction, write to: Wheel of Fortune 10202 W. Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232. And if you’re less interested in a donation and would just like to be in the studio audience, here’s some information. It’s not live auction quality for most. One request (up to four tickets) per person. All expenses incurred are the responsibility of the participant. For individual tickets and groups up to four persons, you MUST confirm your seats within 5–7 days of your tape date. If you do not confirm your seats within this time frame, your seats are subject to cancellation. Eligible tickets are defined as any Scratch-off ticket that has not reached their last date to claim prior to the defined entry deadlines and/or draw game tickets purchased at retail during the specified promotional periods, valued $0.50 - $99.99, and have at least one non-winning play.
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Play the Wheel of Fortune Game Information
If you've got the nerve, you can try to become a contestant and Play Wheel of Fortune!
Ifyou live in the L.A. area, or plan to be here, and want to be a contestanton the show, you have to audition. The first step is to send a postcardto:
'Wheel Of Fortune' Contestant Auditions
102002 W. Washington Blvd., Suite 5300
Culver City, Ca. 90232
What you need to Know to Play Wheel of Fortune

Includeyour name and phone number, and print or type the exact date(s) that youwill be in Los Angeles.
If they are conducting an audition during thattime period, you may be contacted to come down and audition for the show.
The auditions are often held in hotel ballrooms.The contestant coordinators bring about 70 wannabe contestants togetherand create a sort of mini version of 'Wheel of Fortune', completewith puzzles and a miniature wheel. All the auditioners take turns standing,calling out letters, and solving puzzles. Then they take a 5 minutewritten test, consisting of of 16 puzzles (where you have to fill in themissing letters). Afterward, they grade the tests and hand out door prizes.Then the coordinators tell some of the people to go home, while other peopleare allowed to stay and play more mock 'Wheel' games (as thecoordinators size them up). It all take about two hours.

However, even if you make the first cut, whenyou finally head home you still won't knowwhether you've been selected to be a contestant. You'll have towait (indefinitely) for them to write to you - if you've been selected.They base their selections in part on the test scores, but also on theirgeneral impression of how you'd perform on the show.
The show's staff says: 'We love players whoare at ease, fun, and good game players. It's important that the game movesalong as quickly as possible; that players are decisive in calling outtheir letters (in a loud voice) and in choosing their game strategy (whetherto spin, buy a vowel, or solve the puzzle.) We want contestants to calllogical letters; good game players seem to strike a good balance betweencalling consonants and buying vowels. It's been our general observationthrough the years that contestants who play with energy, poise, and a senseof humor (without forgetting to call logical letters) - tend to do betteron the show. The final ingredient of a great contestant is a positive attitude.We want people to come to the taping with the mindset that they're goingto have a good time, win or lose.'
Wheel Of Fortune Tickets 2021
In the end, it's all a big longshot. Because to play the Wheel of Fortune is relatively easy to play over six million people asked to become contestants last year. And only 600 or so were chosen to be on the show. Those aren't very good odds.
But there's no risk involved to be a member of thestudio audience and watch the show.
Tickets are free for the asking. Justclick here.

Jeopardy Tickets
(Contestants must be at least 18 years of age to play the Wheel of Fortune.)