Bill Klein Poker

United States

GPI Ranking

Bill Klein is a real personality who is best known for starring with his wife, Dr.Jennifer Arnold, on the TLC reality series, and he is medical supplies and telemarketing businessman. He met his wife when he was ten years old, both of them moved to Houston, Texas in 2009, the starting point of their reality series. Bill Klein Jake Schindler opened to 110,000 from the cutoff and Bill Klein moved all in from the small blind for 520,000. Schindler made the call, players turned over their hands and Klein would. Klein's family was a part owner of a manufacturing company. They sold the company and he retired after being diagnosed with throat cancer. Klein entered the 2015 $111,111 One Drop High Roller and finished 2nd receiving a $2,465,522 payout. 1948) is a retired American businessman and poker player from Laguna Hills, California. Klein's family was a part owner of a manufacturing company. They sold the company and he retired after being diagnosed with throat cancer.Klein.



Bill Klein is a retired American business man and poker player from Laguna Hills, California. Klein sold a grout and thinset mortar manufacturing business and retired after being diagnosed with throat cancer, but has been cancer free for over 15 years. Klein plays about 200 rounds of golf a year, and then half the year in Vegas playing high stakes poker and blackjack. Klein is known for donating all of his winnings to charity, and if he loses, he donates an equal amount as well. Klein’s best score came in 2015 when he finished 2nd in the Big One for One Drop at the WSOP for over $2.46 million.

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Bill Klein Hits The Rail, Re-Enters

Oct 17, '19

Bill Klein three-bet all-in for 7,200 holding the 98. He got called by Tim Telliard holding KQ. The board came down 10102J9 and Telliard made a straight on the river to eliminate Klein.

Telliard now sits with 34,000. Klein has since re-entered.

Bill Klein Spikes The Jack

Oct 18, '19

A player raised to 5,500 in front of Bill Klein, who moved all-in for 51,200.

His opponent made the call and flipped up the KK. Klein was in rough shape with the JJ, but promptly took the lead on a J102 flop.

The 6 turn and 9 river kept Klein ahead and he doubled up to over 105,000.

Bill Klein Gets Rivered

Oct 18, '19

On a flop of 1043, the player in the big blind checked and Bill Klein bet 600 from the cutoff. The big blind check-raised to 1,800 and Klein called.

The turn was the A and the big blind checked. Klein bet 4,500 and his opponent called. The river was the 2 and both players checked.

The big blind showed 65, good for the nut straight, and Klein mucked his hand. Klein lost the pot, but still has nearly double his original 30,000-chip starting stack.

Bill Klein – 53,5000

The little couple divorced recently

Familiar Faces In The Field

Oct 18, '19

Bill Klein Poker After Dark

Players are still trickling into the tournament area at the end of the first level and will continue to take their seats until registration closes at the start of level 10. There are just shy of 40 players in the field, which is around the same pace as yesterday’s Day 1A.

Bill Klein, James Salmon and Mike Eskandari are among the familiar faces in the field today.

Klein is a successful businessman who has also had quite a run at the felt. He’s racked up more than $4.4 million in live tournament earnings and also ran one of the best bluffs in televised poker history when he bluffed Phil Galfond off a straight in the final season of High Stakes Poker.

Salmon is a Florida resident that is looking to earn his first tournament cash in the state of California. Salmon has earned more than $750,000 from live tournaments, almost exclusively at events in the Sunshine State.

Bill Klein Poker

Eskandari is a regular at the Bicycle Casino with more than $2.4 million in tournament earnings, including a runner-up finish to Harry Arutyunyan at the 2014 World Poker Tour Legends of Poker Main Event here at the Bike.


Bill Klein Surges After Preflop Cooler

Oct 19, '19

Bill Klein had an opponent all-preflop and in rough shape. Klein held the AA against his unfortunate opponent’s KK.

The board came down Q6338 and Klein’s pocket aces held to earn him the knockout and the massive pot.

Klein now sits with 197,000.

Payouts: Places 54-46

Bill Klein Poker Net Worth Today

Oct 20, '19

See Full List On

46 Bill Klein $1,960
47 Steve Stowe $1,960
48 Eli Frenkel $1,960
49 Artur Papazian $1,960
50 Liping Zhong $1,960
51 Dante Magtoto $1,960
52 Timothy Fraily $1,960
53 Angelina Rich $1,960
54 Jordan Cristos $1,960