All Tall All Small

January 22, 2020

Introducing. . . All TallSmall Craps!

I am the brand new, proud owner of a website devoted to theexcellent and challenging game called Craps! In the past I avoided itbecause of its seemingly complex rules that I felt were too difficultto learn. Of course, I was wrong. Craps is a great game and onceyou understand the rules it becomes much easier. What helpedchange my mind was the discovery that Craps is one of a small group ofcasino table games with a very low house edge. It's stillgambling and you can still lose your shirt to the casino, but if youunderstand the game and play it the way it needs to be played you cando well enough at it to keep playing. I'm not sure I buythe argument that some people make that it's main purpose is entertainment because if that is allit is, it could be very expensive entertainment. That there is a glimmering flicker of hope that you could win a pretty hefty sum and beentertained at the same time is a much better concept, in myview. There's plenty of money out there for both theexperienced player and the casino to share so you don't need to feelguilty about winning now and then.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a cancer of the lymphoid line of blood cells characterized by the development of large numbers of immature lymphocytes. Symptoms may include feeling tired, pale skin color, fever, easy bleeding or bruising, enlarged lymph nodes, or bone pain. A flower is a naturally occurring plant that occurs in a variety of shapes and colors. Bees collect pollen from flowers and carry it back to their nests (or beehives) to turn it into honey. After bees collect pollen and start flying back to their nests or beehives, pollen particles that fall from the bees can cause crops to advance growth stages similar to using bone meal. 1 Obtaining 1.1.

On this site I plan to chronicle, as best I can, my personalexperiences with Craps going forward. I've been playing the gamenow for about two years and I'm aquiring tools and supplies so that Ican make a practice table, of sorts, at home to practiceon. Craps is a game that is completely controlled bymathmatical probability, or is it? The question is: When israndom not completely random? What I mean is that, if you believethe experts, it may be possible, so they say, to influence the dicesufficiently so that the dreaded seven doesn't appear as soon as itmight under the rigid mathematical constraints of probability. We'll be dealing with probability and the math of the game in a futurearticle. For the moment let's assume that it is possible to defy,no, not defy exactly, but temporarily suspend the laws of probabilityand influence the roll of the dice. In that case, influencing thedice or Dice Control as it is called requires a certain repetitivetechnique and a well developed muscle memory which can only bedeveloped and maintained by constant practice. There are severaldifferent Dice Set configurations which I'm sure we'll be talking abouton this website at some point soon enough. I plan to explore eachDice Set in turn to see which ones work best for me and which donot. Of course, the proof in this pudding is how I do at the casino. I'll be reporting on that here as well.


My first job is to post some video content on the YouTube channeland start getting aquainted with the other members of the YouTube CrapsCommunity. I want to chronicle both on YouTube and here myefforts at building my practice 'table'. Once that is done I planto test out various strategies for play and betting that other Crapsenthusiasts on YouTube are publishing. Who knows, maybe I'll evencome up with a strategy of my own one day, but for now I'll happily tagalong behind the others. I've got a lot to learn and I don't wantto ride roughshod over the good people in the Craps Community. Iwant to gently merge into the flow of traffic. I definitely don'twant to cause a scene.

I'm not sure yet how often I'll be posting videos and writing articles, but hopefullyas time progresses I'll be able to regularize my content. Thatseems to work better for the YouTube Algorithm than sporadicuploads. We'll see. Time will tell. Anyway, thanksfor reading this far, if you did, and I hope to see you in the casino soon. Be sure tovisit the YouTube channel and subscribe. Don't forget to clickthe 'Bell' otherwise YouTube won't notify you when I post new content.

Good luck on the tables! ATS-Ken
Send me an email at
I'm open to suggestions regarding what to do on this website.
I'm considering selling POP3 email accounts on the domain as a fund raiser.
Let me know what you think.


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All Tall All Small



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All Tall All Small

Women's Tall Pajamas & Loungewear

All Tall All Small Craps

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All Tall All Small Odds In Craps

AllAll Tall All Small

Every woman needs to own a proper pair of pajamas. And if you are like most tall women, it’s likely hard to find night shirts that are long enough, flannel pants that are comfortable, or button down flannels that feel right. You likely order men’s sizes or have to get a size up in women's regular sizes, which really doesn’t flatter you. Whether you call them pajamas, PJs, jimmies, jimjams or jammies, we all should have a favorite pair to love.

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We are always adding new retailers so if you have a lead on where to find women's tall pajamas, send it our way! We regularly update our site to include direct links to retailers' tall women's pajamas sections to make shopping easy. Send us any feedback by emailing We'll update the site immediately to include anything we left out or to update anything that may not be accurate.